
Basic Architectural Services
by Don Leighton-Burwell, AIA/Tenth Times February 1997
In negotiating a contract or agreement for design services, it is important
to know what you are getting, and what is customary to the profession.
Clients are often confused about what architects do in performing design
services, and many design professionals have difficulty conveying what
it is that they do (and do not do). It is not unusual for prospective
clients to call and ask “do you do blueprints?” The drawings
are just part of the overall service that architects provide, with much
work performed before and after the completion of the final design documents.
The most widely used contract/agreement for architectural services is
the American Institute of Architect’s Document B141, “Standard
Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect”. This document has
stood the test of time and is well accepted within legal and construction
establishments. It is generally used for “full service” needs,
so other documents may be substituted if only “partial services”
are required.
At the core of this document is the description of the five basic services.
These are the services most often required of clients and their projects,
and consist of the following areas of service: Schematic Design, Design
Development, Construction Documents, Bidding or Negotiation, and Administration
of the Construction Contract. This document includes the “normal”
structural, mechanical and electrical engineering services required of
most projects.
Schematic Design consists of producing drawings (and other documents)
that illustrate the general scope, scale and relationship of the project
for approval by the Owner. These are drawings of a conceptual nature (sketches)
and are based on the project requirements or “program” (see
Tenth Times 12/96) supplied by the Owner.
Design Development is described as drawings (and other documents) that
fix and describe the size and character of the project for approval by
the Owner. This will include materials considerations as well as structural,
mechanical and electrical systems. This phase essentially “firms
up” the design and will closely approximate the project scheduled
for construction.
Construction Documents involves the preparation and production of drawings,
specifications and other materials required to bid, permit, and construct
the project. These documents additionally include all the final engineering
drawings. The construction documents are what the public has commonly
come to know as “blueprints”, which is actually only the method
of reproducing the drawings. The drawings and specifications actually
become an integral part of the owner’s agreement with the contractor,
so they are essentially legal documents. The specifications are written
performance standards for materials and systems that supplement the information
on the drawings.
Bidding or Negotiation involves the pricing of the construction by either
several or one general contractor. The architect uses the bids or proposals
in awarding and preparing documents for construction. If changes are required
due to budgetary constraints, those items are typically addressed at this
Administration of the Construction Contract by the architect consists
of a myriad of duties including site visits, coordination of submittals
and shop drawings, processing requests for payment by the contractor,
preparation of punchlists, and establishing substantial completion of
the project. This is an exciting and often stressful time for the Owner,
and the architect’s presence and experience can be a valuable asset
during this phase.
Services that clients often assume are included within an architect’s
basic services, but are actually considered additional services (with
additional compensation) include: civil engineering, pre-design services
(including programming), financial feasibilities, site analysis/zoning
approvals, significant changes in project scope, detailed estimates of
construction cost, interior design services, etc. Understand that within
the basic scope of services resides most of the work required of most
projects, so speak with your architect about what (if any) additional
services might be required of your particular situation.
As you can see, much more is involved in performing architectural services
than just “doing blueprints”. Talk to your architect about
what you can expect and review your contract thoroughly. Don’t assume
that a particular service is included if it is not specifically stated
as such.